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Security tipps:
  1. Use modes R or N without length whenever possible
  2. Try to use all generated passwords by heart
  3. If site have specific requirements, use prefix to meet the requirements and the R mode
  4. If site has maximal length limits, use mode B, with prefix if required

Name of the password should be specified as follows:

[prefix] <name> [length]<mode> <seq>

     amazon R 99       (simple name)
     amazon4 R 99      (more unique)
     amazon4 8B 99     (8 characters)
     @T amazon4 8B 99  (with "@T" prefix)

The name can be simply entered as string without
spaces, default mode and seq will be added
automatically. On pressing enter or tab, the focus
will move to the master password field.


     Optional string which will be appended to the
     generated password as it is. This string is
     useful only to comply with meaningless policy


     The name to use for generating, all uppacase
     X characters at the end will be replaced by a
     random number. Use the numbers to make the
     names more unique.


     Length is optional and specifies maximal
     number of characters the password should

     The mode to use for generating:
          R	regular password
          U	uppercase only password
          N	no spaces
          UN	like N but in uppecase
          H	password as hexadecimal string
          UH	like H but in uppecase
          B	password in base64 format
          D	decimal format (digets only)

     The S/Key sequence number, default is 99 and
     should only be changed if you really understand
     what you do.